Hours of Operation

DepartmentTimesAdditional Info
Library / IT

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Wed. - Fri. 9am - 4pm, tours on the half hour

(closed Saturday and Sunday)

CAPS / Health Center9:00 AM - 3:00 PMWednesday - at the Welcome Tent
Mail Center

M-F: 10:00AM - 4:00PM

Saturday: 12:00 - 3:00PM

Closed on Sunday

Pick up textbooks and other packages
Dining Hall

Breakfast: 7:30 – 9:00 am

Lunch: 11:00 – 1:00 pm

Dinner: 5:00 – 6:30 pm

Student Record Office8:30AM - 4:00PMKerrwood Hall
Campus Shuttle

Wednesday - 8:30 - 3 PM

Thursday  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM &  5:00 - 6:00 PM

Student ID Photos9:00 AM - 1:00 PMGet your student ID photo taken on Kerrwood Lawn under the Welcome Tent.
Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art10:00 AM - 4:00 PMView the Westmont Art Faculty exhibition. Located just south of the Library.

Student Schedule

Wednesday, August 27
TimeEventLocationAdditional Info
8:00 - 11:00AMNew Student Move-InResidence Halls

First Years Students

8:00 - 8:30 am  A - Da

8:30 - 9:00 am De - I

9:00 - 9:30 am J - M

9:30 - 10:00 am N - R

10:00 - 10:30 am S - V

10:30 - 11:00am W - Z

Transfer Students

8:00am - 9:00am A - M

9:00am - 10:00am N - Z

9:00 - 1:00 PMWelcome TentKerrwood LawnCome by the Welcome Tent to check in and get information on campus resources and get your student ID photo taken.
11:00 - 3:00 PMLunch and BreakDining Commons

Your lunch time is determined by your move-in time to prevent long lines!

Move-in from 8-9am: 11-11:45am

Move-in from 9-10am: 11:45am-12:30pm

Move-in from 10-11am: 12:30-1:30 pm

All Transfer Students: 12:30-1:30 pm

11:00 AM


1:00 PM

Campus Walking TourFront of Kerrwood Lawn*Optional
1:00 PMWhat to Expect as a Westmont Student AthletePage MPRNew athletes and their parents are invited to connect with other incoming athletes and hear from athletic administration, coaches and current athletes about what to expect as a student athlete at Westmont. This event is for varsity sport athletes only.
2:00 PMLegacy ReceptionUpper Magnolia Lawn (by Library)Westmont alumni parents and their students are invited to a dessert reception with President Gayle Beebe, where a group photograph will be taken and refreshments will be served on Magnolia Lawn outside of Voskuyl Library.
2:00 PMPre-Health Interest SessionFounders 
3:30 PMWelcome SessionMurchison GymJoin us for this celebratory opening event of Warrior Welcome 2025. President Gayle D. Beebe will extend an official Westmont welcome, followed by an introduction to this year's Orientation Team and a message from our Campus Pastor.
4:30 - 5:30 PMFirst Orientation Small GroupYour small group meeting locationGet to know a small group of your peers alongside your Orientation small group leader!
5:30 - 7:00 PMDinner and Break
7:00 - 8:00 PMWe are WestmontPage MPRWestmont is committed to cultivating a diverse community based on Biblical foundations. Join students and faculty as they share their stories and offer wisdom on their journey into and at Westmont.
8:00 PMRes Life NightBy Residence HallCome to the Page MPR if you're living in Page, the Clark A Lounge if you're living in Clark, Emerson 2nd Floor Lounge if you're living in Emerson, and Armington C Lounge if you're a transfer student! Meet some of your closest community members — including your Resident Director (RD), Resident Assistant (RA), and other students living in your section.
Thursday, August 28
TimeEventLocationAdditional Info
9:00 - 9:45AMWestmont RISEMurchison GymWestmont invites you on a journey to develop and hone your resilience skills through RISE (Resilience Informed Skills Education). Resilience is the capacity to make it through expected and unexpected challenges and to grow and learn along the way. In this session we will explore God's vision for your wellbeing and you will be invited to select RISE break-out sessions that are most relevant to your needs and interests.
10:00 - 10:45AMBreakout Sessions 
11:00 - 11:45 AMBreakout Sessions
12:00 - 2:00 PMLunch and Break
1:30 - 3:00 PMIntercultural Programs PicnicKerrwood LawnStudents of color, international, missionary and third-culture students, and Cultural Diversity Awardees and their families are invited hear about the programs and opportunities associated with Westmont's commitment to diversity. Drinks and desserts will be provided. 
3:30 PMService of CommitmentMurchison GymJoin faculty robed in traditional academic regalia for this formal ceremony of welcome into the Westmont community. Students will sit separately from parents and take their First Walk at the end of the service, which anticipates their Last Walk at Commencement.
5:00 - 5:30 PMFamilies Say Goodbye Students and families say goodbye before students head off to dinner and families leave campus.
5:30 - 8:00 PMDinner and Break
5:30 - 7:30 PMAugustinian Scholars DinnerMagnolia Lawn by LibraryAugustinian Scholars will be warmly welcomed at this special dinner event on the Magnolia Lawn. They will be greeted by Westmont's President, Provost, Augustinian Program Director, and program faculty.  All Augustinian Scholars should receive an invitation to this event during the summer and should plan to attend.
8:00 - 10:00 PMOrientation EventMurchison Gym 
Friday, August 29
TimeEventLocationAdditional Info
9:00 - 9:45 AMJoining the Westmont Learning CommunityPage MPR 
10:00 - 10:30 AMAcademic Department Welcome SessionBased on Major

Art Adams Center, Room 310

Biology Whittier Science, Room 101

Chemistry Adams Center, Room 216

Communication Studies Deane Chapel

Economics & Business Carroll Hall Classroom

Education Voskuyl Library, Room 108

Engineering & Engineering Physics Engineering Building

English Reynolds Hall, First Floor

History Deane Hall Lawn

Kinesiology Winter Hall, Room 106

Mathematics, Computer Science, and Data Analytics Winter Hall, Second floor,

Mathematics/Computer Science Lounge

Foreign Languages Reynolds Hall, Second Floor Lounge

Music Music Building, Front Porch

Philosophy Carroll Hall Lawn

Physics Engineering Building

Political Science Winter Hall, Room 212

Psychology Winter Hall, Second floor, Psychology Lounge

Religious Studies Porter Center, Room 14

Sociology & Anthropology Deane Hall, Second Floor

Theatre Arts Porter Theatre Patio

10:45 - 11:15 AMSecond Major /Minor Exploration Academic Department SessionBased on Major
11:30 - 3:30 PMFaculty Academic Advising AppointmentsYour advisor will reach out about exact time and location

Art Adams Center

Biology Whittier Science, First Floor

Chemistry Whittier Science, Second Floor

Communication Studies Deane Hall, First Floor

Computer Science Winter Hall, Second Floor

Data Analytics Winter Hall, Second Floor

Economics & Business Deane Hall, First Floor

Education & Liberal Studies Porter Center

Engineering & Engineering Physics Winter Hall, Second Floor

English Reynolds Hall

Foreign Languages Reynolds Hall

History Deane Hall, Second Floor

Kinesiology Murchison Physical Education Building

Mathematics Winter Hall, Second Floor

Music Music Building

Philosophy Porter Center

Physics Winter Hall, Second Floor

Political Science Deane Hall, Second Floor

Psychology Winter Hall, Second Floor

Religious Studies Porter Center

Sociology & Anthropology Deane Hall, Second Floor.

Theatre Arts Porter Theatre

11:30 AM - 1:30 PMLanguage Placement TestLibrary Computer LabThe Language Placement Exam helps to determine which level of Spanish, French, or German that a student should enroll.  It is required before registering for any language class or transferring in a language class from another institution.  If a student does not take it during orientation, stop by the Modern Languages department in Reynold Hall to take it.  The test should only take about 20 minutes. 
12:00 - 1:00 PMFree Kona IceDC parking lotCome by the DC parking lot to get free Kona Ice sponsored by WCSA!
1:45 - 2:30 PMStudent Employment SessionAdams 216 
2:45 - 3:30 PMStudent Employment SessionAdams 216 
3:30 - 4:10 PMAcademic Breakout SessionsMeaningful "Work": Your Guide to Internships and Career Resources
Lori Ann Banez | Location: Winter 106 

Taking your Education Global: An Introduction to Off-Campus Programs 
Eileen McQuade | Location: Murchison Gym 4 

College is Hard: Tips and Tricks to Thrive in the Classroom 
Sandra Edgar | Location: Winter 210 

All You Need to Know about Accessibility and Academic Accommodations   Seth Miller | Location: Winter 206 

"Next Level" Academic Opportunities You Should Consider Now (In-course Honors, Independent Research, Major Honors Projects, Fulbright Fellowships, and more!)
Holly Beers and Steve Contakes | Location: Winter 216 

Stepping into the Spotlight: Music, Theatre, and Publication Opportunities for All Students
Ruth Lin, Mitchell Thomas, and Anna Jordan | Location: Winter 212
4:20 - 5:00 PMAcademic Breakout Sessions
5:00 - 7:00 PMDinner and Second Orientation Small GroupsSmall group meeting location 
5:00 - 8:00 PMPresident's Open HousePresident's HouseSmall group leaders will tell you what time to meet. 
Saturday, August 30
TimeEventLocationAdditional Info
9:00 - 10:00 AMHike Campus TrailsMeet at Clark Shuttle StopTour the vegetable garden and hike campus trails.
10:15 - 12:00 PMFor Women and For Men Only MeetingsMen in GLC Simmons Center, women in Page MPR.Discuss gender-specific issues that arise in college. Led by Westmont staff, these discussions provide a safe place for candid conversations about topics that matter.
12:00 - 1:30 PMLunchDining Commons 
1:00 - 4:00 PMPool and Fitness Center Open  
1:00 - 4:00 PMSing with the Westmont College Choir! Music Building Room 211The Westmont College Choir, a mixed ensemble of 40-50 singers, welcomes singers from all backgrounds and levels of experience to audition for this upcoming school year. Singers rehearse, perform, and travel together, cultivating a fun and supportive community as we pursue musical excellence.  Rehearsals are Mondays and Wednesday from 5:15pm-6:30pm, and Fridays from 3:15pm-4:30pm in Deane Chapel. Click HERE to sign up for an audition slot. For your audition, just come and sing a song that represents your musical and vocal abilities. If you have questions email Dr. Daniel Gee,  dgee@ashtech-oem.com.
3:30 - 5:00 PMPups and PopsCAPS / Health CenterHang with some therapy dogs and eat Otter Pops at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)  / Health Center. See the relaxation room, meet some of the therapists/providers, and tour the clinic. Look for the small building across from the VK dorm on lower campus. 
6:30 - 7:30 PMThird Orientation Small GroupSmall group meeting location 
8:00 PMBingoMurchison GymJoin to play bingo, make connections, and win great prizes!
Sunday, August 31
TimeEventLocationAdditional Info
10:00 - 11:00 AMWorship ServicePage MPRCome fellowship together and learn more about growing in your faith in college including finding a local church community. *New students are expected to attend this session. 
12:00 - 5:00PMExplore Santa Barbara Head to East Beach or explore State Street in downtown Santa Barbara. Shuttles will leave from VK Hall and Page Hall every 20-30 minutes beginning at noon. After 5:00pm, the shuttles will revert to their regular schedules.
1:15PM OR 2:30PMExplore with Urban InitiativeMeet at Page Hall Shuttle stopExplore Santa Barbara through the eyes of the marginalized. Urban Initiative students will take you to experience some of the local favorites of SB and show you how you can be involved in caring for your new city. Meet an Urban Initiative member at Page Hall at 1:15pm or 2:30 pm to begin. Urban Initiative will provide a tasty treat downtown! 25 spots available per group.
8:00 PMAll Campus Worship NightMurchison GymAll students are invited to take a deep breath in the evening before classes begin to sing and pray together at a worship night to kick-off the new year together. Returning students, new students, transfer students — this is for you! 

Parent Schedule

Wednesday, August 27

8:00 am - 11:00 am: Residence Hall Move-In
*See more information at the link above
First Year Students:
8:00am - 8:30am  A - Da
8:30am - 9:00am De - I
9:00am - 9:30am J - M
9:30am - 10:00am N - R
10:00am - 10:30am S - V
10:30am - 11:00am W - Z

Transfer Students:
8:00am - 9:00am A - M
9:00am - 10:00am N - Z

9:00 am - 3:00 pm: Parent Welcome Tent
Check in and get your name tag. If you have not yet registered, please stop by the tent for on-site registration.

9:00 am - 2:30 pm: Parent Council Hospitality Tent
Meet fellow parents and Parents Council members, get answers to your questions and enjoy light refreshments and conversation. You’ll also find Parents Council members at Page, Emerson and Clark who can answer your questions. 

11:00 am - 12:00 pm: Campus Walking Tour (Option 1)
An informative and enjoyable walk around the campus will combine knowledge of our historic campus with personal student experience. Location: Front of Kerrwood Hall.

11:00 am - 1:30 pm: Lunch
Your lunch time is determined by your student’s move-in time. Please follow the schedule below to alleviate congestion.
Move-in from 8-9 a.m. 11-11:45
Move-in from 9-10 a.m. 11:45-12:30
Move-in from 10-11 a.m. 12:30-1:30*
All Transfer Students 12:30-1:30*
Those attending the Legacy Reception or First-Generation Session with a move-in time from 10-11 may eat lunch starting at 12 noon. Meal tickets to enter the DC are provided at check in based on registration. Otherwise, you can pay at the door: Lunch: $9.00, Children: 2-10 $5.00 Westmont students on a meal plan: no charge. Location: Dining Commons.

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm: Campus Walking Tour (Option 2)
An informative and enjoyable walk around the campus will combine knowledge of our historic campus with personal student experience. Location: Front of Kerrwood Hall.\

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm: What to Expect as a Westmont Student Athlete **Required for new varsity athletes 
New athletes and their parents are invited to connect with other incoming athletes and hear from athletic administration, coaches and current athletes about what to expect as a student athlete at Westmont. This event is for varsity sport athletes only. Location: Page MPR.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Legacy Reception
Parents who are Westmont alumni and their students are invited to a dessert reception with President Gayle D. Beebe. A group photograph of alumni parents and your incoming student will be taken on Magnolia Lawn at 1:35 p.m. Location: Upper Magnolia Lawn (in front of the library).

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm: Welcome Session
Join us for this celebratory opening event of Orientation 2024 in the Murchison Gym. President Gayle D. Beebe will extend an official Westmont welcome, followed by an introduction to this year's Orientation Team and a message from our Campus Pastor.

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm: Overview of Student Life
At Westmont, life outside the classroom offers a rich combination of activities, residential living and developmental experiences. In this session we will provide an overview of the opportunities available to students. Location: Murchison Gym.

5:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Welcome BBQ Picnic
Relax on Kerrwood Lawn and enjoy a great meal. Meet other parents as well as faculty and staff. Please note that students will eat dinner with their Orientation small groups. Location: Kerrwood Lawn.

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Out-of-Area Parent Reception
Whether you live outside of California or far enough from Santa Barbara to require a lengthy drive, come connect with fellow parents and gain valuable perspective from parents who know the ropes. Colorado Parents Council members Rich and Torrie Oswald will lead the session and provide a time for questions and answers. The Oswalds share: "We’ve attended this session every year since 2018, and we've navigated travel logistics from kids missing flights, to cancelled flights, to having no car, to moving out, to finding storage units, etc. Through it all, we've secured many parent friendships and have been reminded, Westmont is never too far from ‘home’." All parents are welcome.


Thursday, August 28

8:00 am - 5:00 pm: Prayer Chapel Open Hours
Stop in the prayer chapel to lift up prayers for your student and the college as classes get ready to begin.

8:45 am - 9:15 am: Continental Breakfast
Join us in Page Hall for continental breakfast!

9:15 am - 10:00 am: President Beebe Welcomes Parents & Families (Spanish translation available)
President Gayle D. Beebe welcomes you to the Westmont community, examines the value of a Westmont education in today’s world and highlights the college’s priorities. He will answer questions, and members of his executive team will add insights and suggest ways to support your student.

Location: Page Hall Multipurpose Room.

10:00 am - 10:45 am: Core of the Classroom 
Our provost will share the unique qualities of a Westmont education. Professors and students will highlight the special nature of faculty-student relationships at Westmont.

Location: Page Hall Multipurpose Room.

10:45 am - 11:30 am: Parents Council Perspectives 
Meet our Westmont Parents Council members and learn how they’ve navigated their student’s college life, gain practical parental insights about the Westmont experience and get answers to your questions.

Location: Page Hall Multipurpose Room.

12 -1:30 pm  Intercultural Programs Lunch 
Location: Kerrwood Lawn
Students of color, international, missionary and third-culture students, and Cultural Diversity Awardees and their families are invited hear about the programs and opportunities associated with Westmont's commitment to diversity. Grab your meal from the DC and bring your food over to Kerrwood Lawn. Drinks and desserts will be provided.


11:30 am - 1:30 pm: Lunch
Have lunch off campus or on campus in the Dining Commons. Meal ticket provided at check-in based on your registration, or simply pay at the door. 

Parents & Guardians select from one of the following sessions:

2 - 3 pm: COVE Career Center Session
COVE Career Center: Discover how you can work with us as we prepare your student for a major, a mission, and meaningful internships and careers. 
Location: Winter 210

2 - 3 pm: Students' Care Session
Student Care: College comes with unique challenges for students. Learn about college emotional health, how to support your student, and ways to cultivate healthy communication patterns from the start. Further, hear about our on campus support services including our physician directed Health Center and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Presenters: Rob Hughes '04, Director of Health Services and Eric Nelson, Associate Dean of Student Wellbeing / Director of CAPS.
Location: Global Leadership Center's Simmons Center

2 - 3 pm: Chapel, Worship, & Spiritual Development Session
Hear Scott Lisea ’88, our campus pastor and assistant to the president for church and community relations, present his vision of chapel, our community life and the spiritual development of your students.
Location: Porter Theatre.

2 - 2:30 pm: Student Success Session
The Center for Student Success is a very important resource for all incoming students. Each new Warrior is assigned a Student Success Coach and is strongly encouraged to take advantage of the support and services offered by the center to help each student thrive at Westmont.
Location: Page Hall Multipurpose Room.

2:30-3:15 pm: Supporting your Student Athlete 
Collegiate athletics presents new challenges and opportunities for the student athlete. Parents of varsity athletes are invited to hear from athletic administrators and coaches about how you can best support your student and help them thrive in their first year as a college athlete. 
Location: Page Hall Multipurpose Room.

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Service of Commitment 
Join faculty robed in traditional academic regalia for this formal ceremony of welcome into the Westmont community. Students will sit separately from parents and take their First Walk at the end of the service, which anticipates their Last Walk at Commencement. Student attendance expected.
Location: Murchison Gym.

5:00 pm - 5:30 pm: Families Say Goodbye
Students and families say goodbye before students head off to dinner with their section and families leave campus.